
The Committee for Ethical Compliance in Research Involving Human Beings of Fundação Getulio Vargas (CEPH/FGV) was created on July 13, 2016, through Edict 38/2016. It is a collegial body with consultative, deliberative and educational character, vested with authority to consider the potential impacts on people who participate as subjects in studies in the social and human sciences. The CEPH/FGV has the responsibility to defend the interests of such research participants regarding their integrity and dignity, as well as to promote and safeguard the highest standards of ethical and legal compliance of the studies involving human beings conducted by members of FGV.

The implementation of a committee on ethical compliance in research is highly relevant to a research institution, since the main scientific periodicals require the ethical aspects of the studies they publish to have been evaluated by the institution of origin. Besides this, the most renowned international institutions that finance scientific studies require opinions from the ethical compliance committee of the institution of origin regarding the potential impacts on the people who participate in studies.

In this sense, the CEPH/FGV issues opinions and makes recommendations on the ethical aspects of the studies that are submitted for its analysis, to certify the compliance of experimental procedures with national and international standards on the treatment of human research subjects. The CEPH/FGV is formed by members from within and outside the institution.